Alvan Buckley
2023-12-15 02:39:45 UTC
In June 2022, two visiting birders reported a Veery from the lower Rennies River with an audio recording to support their sighting. Many of us were fortunate to see and hear this individual over the subsequent weeks and acquired several wonderful images and audio. It was a lifer for many!
There was some concern about the ID at the time but that was never acted on. Eventually, in the Summer of 2023, some outside birders flagged some of the photos on eBird and suggested it was a Gray-cheeked Thrush instead.
Check out the Facebook discussion at the link above for an insightful discussion including some revealing comments from David Sibley himself.
Ultimately, the experts have consistently deemed the June 2022 thrush to be a Gray-cheeked Thrush with an atypical vocalization. Also odd is that it seemed to prefer a deciduous habitat. We may never know the full answer, but for the purposes of eBird I recommend labelling it as "Gray-cheeked Thrush" or "Thrush sp." You are free to do as you please on your life lists!
Hopefully there'll soon be another Veery in the area for us to enjoy and study!
Thanks to many of the local birders who provided their media and insight on this challenging sighting.
In June 2022, two visiting birders reported a Veery from the lower Rennies River with an audio recording to support their sighting. Many of us were fortunate to see and hear this individual over the subsequent weeks and acquired several wonderful images and audio. It was a lifer for many!
There was some concern about the ID at the time but that was never acted on. Eventually, in the Summer of 2023, some outside birders flagged some of the photos on eBird and suggested it was a Gray-cheeked Thrush instead.
Check out the Facebook discussion at the link above for an insightful discussion including some revealing comments from David Sibley himself.
Ultimately, the experts have consistently deemed the June 2022 thrush to be a Gray-cheeked Thrush with an atypical vocalization. Also odd is that it seemed to prefer a deciduous habitat. We may never know the full answer, but for the purposes of eBird I recommend labelling it as "Gray-cheeked Thrush" or "Thrush sp." You are free to do as you please on your life lists!
Hopefully there'll soon be another Veery in the area for us to enjoy and study!
Thanks to many of the local birders who provided their media and insight on this challenging sighting.