Martin Berrigan
2024-02-18 18:30:22 UTC
Here is the morn'n,it was challenging but my Honda Fit went into deep snow at both the Ruff site Twice,Long Bill YTW site three times.I drive in and do a circle and drive out,then I drive back in and get on a stretch,I park car before the stretch and it performed like a trooper,all sites full of snow,Ruff and Rennies outflow fed early a.m.By end of 2:30 here was my schedule:6 clean-up's at Short Bill site/3 at Long Bill/2 Ruff/3 Pine warbler site/3 South-side road site/1 Kelly's Brook/1 Lower Rennies.It was a tumultous day but hopefully all make roll call,it's not cold out.Now it's sunny and the world,rather the bird sites are at peace,the world is a mess.Gerard